Your email is one of your most important resources, and many people don’t realize just how much they’d lose if they lost all their email records. Keep your email safe with Mail Backup X Individual Edition for $49.99 (Reg. $179).
Mail Backup X is a comprehensive backup service that works for most major mail services on most mail clients. Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo, Apple Mail, Microsoft Outlook, and Office 365 all work with Mail Backup X.
With this backup service, you can archive your files and search them, compress your archived files to save storage space, create a mirror backup on a cloud drive, and of course restore your email to an earlier state. And if you’re moving to a new email, you can migrate all emails onto a new account in Office365.
Get a Mail Backup X Individual Edition for $49.99 (Reg. $179) and never have to find out what you’d do if you lost everything.

Mail Backup X Individual Edition – $49.99
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