The 10 best jobs with the most access to remote work, according to Glassdoor—many pay over $100,000 – CNBC

If you’re looking for a more flexible job, now is a great time to search: the number of remote job listings on FlexJobs increased 12% in 2021 over 2020, and Glassdoor saw reviews mentioning hybrid work increase by 626% on its site over the past year.

To help job-seekers find these opportunities, Glassdoor has identified the 10 best jobs offering the most flexible work arrangements in its latest report, “The 50 Best Jobs in America for 2022.” According to Glassdoor’s research, the top careers offer ample job openings, strong job satisfaction, high earning potential and flexibility.

Database architect claims the top spot on Glassdoor’s list, with 94% of benefit reviews for the position mentioning access to work from home.

Most tech companies introduced remote or hybrid models even before the pandemic, FlexJobs career coach Toni Frana tells CNBC Make It. But there’s other industries that are adopting flexible policies at a rapid rate, she adds, including marketing, human resources and customer service, to attract talent in a tight labor market. 

Daniel Zhao, a senior economist and data scientist at Glassdoor, expects that remote and hybrid work will continue to be popular in the months ahead, even if some companies return to in-person work as pandemic conditions improve.

“It’s a benefit employees really care about – and companies are recognizing that in order to be competitive, they need to offer flexible work arrangements,” he says.

Here are the 10 best U.S. jobs in 2022 offering the most flexible work arrangements, according to Glassdoor: 

1. Database architect 

2. Salesforce developer 

Job description: Salesforce developers create functionality and solve problems in Salesforce software using a variety of web languages, software programs and technologies. Responsibilities include creating and maintaining websites and applications both for the public and internal sites for companies and teams.

Median salary: $98,972

Reviews mentioning WFH: 93%

3. Solutions engineer 

Job description: Solutions engineers help create and sell custom business software to customers. They work with various departments from network engineers, support and operations to improve the customer’s experience.

Median salary: $100,915

Reviews mentioning WFH: 91%

4. Machine learning engineer 

Job description: Machine learning engineers are the designers of self-running software that brings machines the ability to automate predictive models. These engineers work with data scientists to take information and feed curated data into the models that they’ve uncovered or discovered.

Median salary: $130,489

Reviews mentioning WFH: 90%

5. Product marketing manager 

Job description: Product marketing managers are responsible for overseeing the comprehensive marketing efforts related to a particular product, brand or product line. They develop and execute marketing campaigns, promotional initiatives and play a central role in establishing the brand vision. 

Median salary: $125,015

Reviews mentioning WFH: 90%

6. Enterprise architect 

Job description: Enterprise architects are responsible for the entire infrastructure of a company’s IT platform. Responsibilities include designing processes, documenting essential IT procedures, tracking project progress and maintaining a security focus.

Median salary: $144,997

Reviews mentioning WFH: 90%

7. Scrum master 

Job description: Scrum masters coordinate and oversee the completion of specific IT projects with a company. They also help with conflict resolution between the scrum team and product owner to maintain a safe working environment. 

Median salary: $109,284

Reviews mentioning WFH: 89%

8. Realtor 

Job description: Realtors help people buy and sell their properties. They bring clients to properties on the market and make offers or negotiate the terms of property purchases on behalf of their clients.

Median salary: $54,090 

Reviews mentioning WFH: 88%

9. Customer success manager 

Job description: Customer success managers work in the customer service department of a company alongside upper management to promote customer retention and help create a positive experience with the company’s brand.

Median salary: $73,702

Reviews mentioning WFH: 88%

10. Cloud engineer 

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